
Welcome to Maxi Network! Maxi Network is a blockchain layer 1 platform created to meet the unique demands of the gaming industry


In today's rapidly evolving world, technology, including blockchain, is advancing at an unprecedented pace. Blockchain has become widely recognized, offering abundant opportunities across industries. Companies of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations, are eagerly pursuing these opportunities in sectors like finance, gaming, artificial intelligence, and many more. This environment is ripe for innovation, motivating companies to bring fresh ideas to the blockchain space. We believe we are just scratching the surface of what promises to be an extraordinary journey of innovation and growth.

This document will provide all details beginning with our vision, objectives, experience and the structure of the maxi network. The document itself has a purpose to share the details of those who are interested in blockchain and our network for educational purposes.

Please note that the document can be updated in the future without prior notice

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